Thank you.
I awoke at 4am this morning with wide eyes and a full heart. As my feet hit the cold floor, I slid them into the warmth of my slippers,...
Thank you.
Hidden Fruit - it's worth the wait.
To Be Set Free From Fear
Hope...a four letter word that will change your life.
Lessons from the Lamp
Book Announcement!
Dreams, Goals...How?
Burst Pipe!
Setting The Table
The Fragrance of Church
A Year Later - Trust, Hope & Love
Winter - A Time Of Vision
Fall - A Time Of Change
Summer - A Time Of Discovery
Spring - A Time Of New Beginnings
We've Arrived! The Delsa's Base Location
Exploration - Scouting For Land At Badin Lake
What Is The Delsa?
Why Badin Lake?
Why The Delsa? Why Now?
Thank you for being a loving friend. At times when life has gotten too difficult to walk alone, you have been there to help me. Thank you for praying with me and helping me to continue to hope in the perfector and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2)
Ivonne B
Educator, Dallas, TX
I Want To Be A Part Of This!