The Delsa will be a vibrant retreat that interweaves environmental, educational, personal enrichment and charitable activities into a life changing experience.
While each is unique in their own right, the goal is to interweave all four in a way that creates a wholesome experience that encompasses what every individual person needs to survive and be healthy (physically, mentally and spiritually/emotionally): sustenance, shelter and companionship. The vision is to bring this together in a way that is practical as well as educational. As the adage says, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Environmental Harmony
The need for more awareness and solutions to impact the environment in a positive way is a growing concern worldwide. This is true in both our quality of food and in our housing choices. The Delsa is being built as an experiential example of how we can live off the land, working with the land, air, sun and water available, to achieve optimal results for our own health and for the health of the world around us.
Educational Sharing
Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are invaluable tools in our lives to further our growth into more productive and hopefully, more beneficial and meaningful ways. We must always be learning. The Delsa will be offering educational opportunities in growing organic food, building self-sustaining housing, and discovering ways to help ourselves and others. This will be in the form of hands-on experiences, exposure through a stay at the property, group formats, classes, and reading materials, both written and on the website.
Personal Enrichment
While The Delsa does not identify as a religious group, the foundation of biblical truth will be what defines all activities. The first being to love Yehovah our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength; and the second, to love our neighbors as ourselves. The desire to love and be loved is innate in all of us and The Delsa seeks to provide this comfort through connection with nature, providing a place of joy for a short term, and offering services to those whose need cannot be met through their own means.
Compassionate Action
The need for each of us to give and help provide for others is an act of love and kindness that will never end, as the world will always have people in need. It is a part of life. The Delsa will be offering charitable products and services in the realms of food, environment, education, and spiritual/emotional support.
We sincerely welcome your interest or involvement, whether it be as a contributor, a participant, a volunteer, an educator, or a promoter!
From my heart to yours.